Welcome to my world

Here is my domain for splurging my ruminations on the STEM fields. Most of the stuff I discuss and research on this site is way beyond what we learn at school and what I am conventionally taught, so there may well be errors in my information or maths - please do not viciously troll the page with corrections, although constructive and useful criticism is of course welcome :)

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Hyperbolae 2 - introducing the third dimension

This is a summary of today's musings. In essence I have done two fairly basic things that marginally extend the 2-dimensional hyperbola: I have taken the infinitesimal-lamina principle behind solid revolution and used it to model how the function will rotate around the x-axis. Then I have returned to the basic calculus of revolution to derive an expression for the volume of a lobe, given values of the stretch-coefficients a and b, and the limit of integration c. Enjoy!

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