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Here is my domain for splurging my ruminations on the STEM fields. Most of the stuff I discuss and research on this site is way beyond what we learn at school and what I am conventionally taught, so there may well be errors in my information or maths - please do not viciously troll the page with corrections, although constructive and useful criticism is of course welcome :)

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

The supermoon-bloodmoon-harvestmoon phenomenon, and how scientists knew when to be looking

I only heard about the lunar event on the BBC evening news the night before the stunning lunar eclipse occurred. Having been deeply disappointed by the solar eclipse earlier this year, standing out on the school playing field during my maths lesson on a chilly Friday morning in March with my ridiculously geeky solar glasses, gazing up at the hopelessly cloudy sky for a good half hour before resigning myself to gawping at the Faroe Islands' live stream, it seemed a hardly decent replacement service by the heavens - lunar eclipses are less highly regarded, since on average a total one can be seen from any given location on the Earth every 2.5 years [1]; however it really was an amazing sight, seeing the Earth's largest satellite in beautiful mars-like hues, close enough to be viewed by the naked eye of an unequipped enthusiast.


The reason this particular lunar eclipse, the type which produces the colloquially-dubbed "blood moon", was so special is that it converged with yet another astronomical phenomenon, a perigee of the moon (or "supermoon"). Our moon goes through regular perigees and apogees due to its slightly non-circular orbit, which causes its distance from the Earth to vary slightly over its 28-day cycle (27.322 days more precisely [2]). According to mathematics, the eccentricity of an ellipse is given by e = ca = ( distance from centre to focus distance from focus to a vertex on the major axis ) = ( distance from centre to focus(As-maj - distance from centre to focus), where the distance from the centre to focus is given by c = √(As-maj2 - As-min2) = √[(length of semi-major axis)2 - (length of semi-minor axis)2], As-maj is the length of the semi-major axis and As-min is the length of the semi-minor axis. [3][10]

This looks quite complex, and it certainly took a while for me to research my way around it, but I stumbled upon the idea of Kepler's Laws, one of which states that the centre of mass of a two-body orbit system is the focus of the elliptical orbit. Firstly, assuming that the centre of mass of the Earth-Moon system is the centre of the Earth (and mind that this is a simplification for now), the eccentricity of the ellipse can be calculated very easily. This is because the apogee distance (where the moon is farthest from the Earth) is the distance from the focus to the distal major-axis vertex, and the perigee distance (where the moon is closest) is the distance from the focus to the proximal major-axis vertex. According to Kepler's Law, the larger body becomes the focus of the elliptical orbit of the other so Earth is the focus of this ellipse.

The apogee distance is 251,968mi = (251968*1 609.344)m = 405503189m
The perigee distance is 225,804mi = (225804*1 609.344)m = 363396312.6m

Therefore the distance from the focus to the centre of the ellipse = ((405503189 - 363396312.6)2) = 21053438.2m
The distance from the centre to a vertex is 363396312.6 + 21053438.2 = 384449750.8m
The eccentricity = 21053438.2384449750.8  = 0.054762522 ≈ 0.05

However its not that simple, since the centre of the Earth is not the centre of mass of the orbital system. In fact, this "barycentre" has an average distance from the centre of the Earth of 4671km - although this is still within the Earth's radius of 6378km [4], this will change the value of eccentricity since the perigee and apogee are no longer so intuitive to use within the elliptical geometry. Since both objects rotate around the orbital barycentre of the system, this will cause the Earth to wobble on its orbit and hence change position at perigee and apogee - the only reason this didn't occur in the previous model was that we took the barycentre to be the centre of the Earth, so it was simply rotating around its axis. The new model looks like this:

This diagram is not in any way to scale - the size of the Earth has been increased, and the eccentricity of the barycentre's location too, to emphasise the displacement of the planet in space caused by its orbit around the Earth-Moon barycentre, whereas in actual fact it is a very small effect since the Earth has a much larger mass than the moon. The Earth at apogee and perigee is represented by the large grey circles, bordered by the corresponding colours.

The barycentre is the new focus of the elliptical lunar orbit.
The distance from the moon to the barycentre at perigee = (363396312.6 + 4671000) = 368067312.6m
The distance from the moon to the barycentre at apogee = (405503189 + 4671000) = 410174189m
The distance from the elliptical centre to a vertex is (405503189 + 363396312.6 + (2*4671000))/2 = 389120750.8m
The distance from the elliptical centre to the geometric centre at perigee = 389120750.8 - 363396312.6 = 25724438.6m
The distance from the elliptical centre to the barycentre = 25724438.6 - 4671000 = 21053438.6m
The eccentricity = 21053438/389120750.8 =0.054105155 ≈ 0.05

The internet, including [5], states that the most accurate calculation of average eccentricity places the moon at around 0.0549. However this takes into account other factors which have been ignored in my calculations, such as the 5° angle to the equatorial plane at which the moon orbits, so I'm pretty satisfied with my model getting to the same approximate answer of 0.05.

The importance of the perigee to increasing the drama of Monday morning's eclipse was that it made the moon appear larger in the sky, since it was at its closest to the Earth. However this effect will slowly wane over the coming thousands of years because the average radius of the moon's orbit is slowly increasing... but more about that later.


A bloodmoon, to reiterate, is the colloquial name for the effect on the moon's apparent colour caused by a lunar eclipse - this is when the Earth, Moon and Sun line up in such a way that the Earth casts a shadow over the surface of the satellite rock. [6] has a very good explanation of why eclipses do not happen often (i.e. at every new and full moon) - the angle of the moon's orbital plane means that the Earth's shadow from the Sun often misses it, leaving us without an event to observe.

The red colour was only possible because it was a total lunar eclipse - just as when we see a solar eclipse at totality and the Sun's corona becomes visible, this coronal light will impinge into the Earth's shadow to stain the moon a coppery red. There are other types of lunar eclipse which are less dramatic though: penumbral eclipses occur when the moon passes into the outer fringes of the Earth's shadow, producing a largely indiscernible effect; partial eclipses occur when the moon partially enters the darker area of the Earth's shadow, obscuring the surface in part [7]. As one might expect, more interesting eclipses are inversely proportional to their frequency - that's why this combination of bloodmoon and supermoon is so rare (the last one happened in 1982, and the next will happen in 2033 [8].

Even more interesting is the fact that Monday's spectacle was the last of a series of four total lunar eclipses, occurring in 6-month intervals in 2014-15 - this is called a tetrad [9]. This sequence of events occurs roughly every decade, but used to (and in some cases still do) have biblical connotations until its workings were more formally understood; a quick internet search of "bloodmoon" yields a wealth of religious rapture predictions!

Savour it while we can

  The moon and sun's gravitational fields work together to cause the tides. When the moon is in line with the sun, on the opposite side or the same side of the Earth, the oblateness of the planet is increased as the oceans are pulled by metres towards the celestial bodies (this is at full moon or new moon); conversely when the moon and sun are at right angles to the Earth, neap tides occur where the difference between high and low tides is least (this is at first quarter and third quarter). As the Earth rotates, an observer on its surface will experience high and low tide twice each day as their position passes through the areas of higher and lower planetary radius from the centre to the sea level.

This constant pulling of the oceans naturally creates friction on the sea bed between H2O/salt/silt in the liquid and rock/sand on the floor. Since energy must be conserved within this closed Earth-Moon system, a loss of energy on Earth will result in an increase in the moon's kinetic energy. An orbiting object with more kinetic energy will move further from the object it orbits - now that the average orbital radius is greater, the moon experiences a slightly smaller acceleration due to gravity towards the Earth (gravitational fields follow the inverse square law, as F = Gm1m2r2) so a smaller velocity perpendicular to the centripetal force is required to stop the two bodies colliding. It is amazing that this friction is making the moon slow down and move further away, as well as slowing down the rotation of the Earth very slightly (the frictional force resists the rotational motion of the planet) - [11] quantifies this best, since the day in 100 years will be 2ms longer as a result of this effect.

Therefore the moon will slowly move away from the Earth over the coming millennia at an approximate rate of 3.8cm/year [11], or in SI units (3.8/(100*365.242*24*60*60) = 1.204173712 ≈ 1.20nm/s. This is not a hugely significant amount but, assuming that the elliptical shape of the moon remains constant as the average radius increases, the current apogee distance will become the perigee distance in ((405503189-363396312.6)0.038) = 9002812537 years, or approximately 9 billion years!


[1]   Time and Date - "What are Solar Eclipses?" - here

[2]   Space - "Does the Moon Rotate?" - here

[3]   Maths Open Reference - "Ellipse Eccentricity" - here

[4]   Wikipedia - "Barycenter" - here

[5]   Wikipedia - "Orbit of the Moon" - here

[6]   Space - "'Blood Moons' Explained: What Causes a Lunar Eclipse Tetrad?" - here

[7]   NASA - "A Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses" - here

[8]   Telegraph - "Supermoon lunar eclipse 2015 live: Amazing pictures from the UK and around the world of the 'blood moon'" - here

[9]   Wikipedia - "Tetrad" - here

[10] 1728 - "Ellipse Calculator" - here

[11] Ask an Astronomer - "Is the Moon moving away from the Earth? When was this discovered?" - here

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